The Railway Children
Directed by Damian Cruden
The Railway Children tells the story of Bobbie, Peter and Phyllis, three children whose lives change dramatically when their father is mysteriously taken away. They move from London to a cottage in rural Yorkshire with their mother, where they befriend the local railway porter, Perks, and embark on a magical journey of discovery, friendship and adventure. But the mystery remains – where is Father, and is he ever coming back?. A truly unique theatrical experience, The Railway Children returns to London after winning the Olivier Award for Best Entertainment and sell-out seasons in its previous home at Waterloo.
Reviews: this is what they all said !
Kings Cross Theatre London
Opening Date: Jan 14, 2015
Jeremy Swift – Mr Perks
Caroline Harker – Mother
Louise Calf – Phyllis
Clare Corbett – Mrs perks
Jack Hardwick – Peter
Mike Kenny – Writer
Damian Cruden – Director
Joanna Scotcher – Designer
Richard G Jones – Lighting Designer
Christopher Madin – Composer
Craig Vear – Sound Designer