Boy by Anna Ziegler
Opening Night Feb 23, 2016
Closing Apr 09, 2016
The Clurman Theatre
Inspired by a true story. Anna Ziegler’s Boy explores the tricky terrain of finding love amidst the confusion of sexual identity, and the inextricable bond between a doctor and patient. In the 1960s, a well-intentioned doctor convinces the parents of a male infant to raise their son as a girl after a terrible accident. Two decades later, the repercussions of that choice continue to unfold. The play is inspired by the true story of David Peter Reimer, whose genitalia were mutilated during a botched medical circumcision when he was an infant. His parents consulted John Money, a specialist in gender identity, who believed that gender was determined more by nurture than nature and encouraged them to raise David as a girl.
 CreditSara Krulwich/The New York Times
Ted Koch
Paul Niebanck
Rebecca Rittenhouse
Bobby Steggert
410 West 42nd Street (at 9th Ave)
New York, NY 10036