The Nance Continues on Live from Lincoln Center until October
Nathan Lane – Jonny Orsini
Best Thing Its Free ! For everyone who missed it on Broadway, here is you chance to see this fantastic play on PBS on Your Computer – Tablet- Phone
The play involves the lives of performers in burlesque during the 1930s. The nance was a stereotypical camp homosexual. The play is a production of the Lincoln Center and premiered on Broadway in 2013; it received five Tony Award nominations, and won three awards.
In 1937 Chauncey Miles is a star in a poor burlesque theatre company in New York City, playing a nance, a stock character who was a flamingly effeminate homosexual. Chauncey is gay and looks for men at an automat, but he must be careful or he could be arrested. There he meets Ned, newly arrived in the City, and they become romantically involved.
Cast: Nathan Lane, Jonny Orsini, Geoffrey Allen Murphy, Lewis J Stadlen, Jenni Barber
Broadway 2013
Theatre: Lyceum Theatre NYC (Lincoln Center)
Running Time 2:15:13 Expires 10/10/17 Don’t Miss It !
This is the Link to Watch the Whole Production
This Link will take you to PBS Live from Lincoln Center